Error with riakc_pb_socket:start_link() using rebar3 and Erlang

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I created an erlang application using the cowboy rest http handler. The application stores data in riak kv. However I am unable to connect to my riak node to return data for the rest api.

When I call riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 8087) I get errors.

Following is the code snippet of where i make the call to riak.

get_json(Req, State) ->
    {ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 8087),
    Body = riakc_pb_socket:is_connected(Pid),
    {Body, Req, State}.

Following is the stack trace from when the error occurs.

  =ERROR REPORT==== 28-Dec-2016::00:15:52 ===
  Error in process <0.359.0> on node 'paddylenderapi@PaddyLender-2' with 
  exit value:

See my rebar.config contents below:

    {erl_opts, [debug_info]}.
      {deps, [
         {cowboy, {git, "git://", {tag, "1.0.1"}}},
        {riakc, "2.5.*", {git, "", {tag, "2.5.1"}}},
        {riak_pb, {git, "", {tag, ""}}}

     {plugins, [

{relx, [
        {release, {paddylenderapi, "0.0.1"},[paddylenderapi]},
        {dev_mode, true},
        {include_erts, false},
        {extended_start_script, true}

  {override, rebar3_protobuffs_plugin, [{deps, [ {protobuffs, {git, "", {tag, "0.9.0"}}}]}]},

  {override, riak_pb, [
                        {plugins, [{riak_pb_msgcodegen,
                                   {git, "",
                                    {ref, "dc51330"}}},
                                   {git, "",
                                    {tag, "0.1.1"}}}]},
                       {provider_hooks, [{pre, [{compile, {protobuffs, compile}},
                                                {compile, riak_pb_msgcodegen}]}]}]}

There are 1 answers

nikit On

I suggest you don't have riak_kv in 'applications' part in your And that's the reason why this application doesn't place in release lib folder. So you get the undef error.