I'm working with 0x Protocol, and and want to support users use BUSD to fill order to purchase NFT item. Basically, I do flowing steps:
const ethTokenAddress = contractWrappers.contractAddresses.etherToken; // Contract BUSD
const ethToken = new ERC20TokenContract(ethTokenAddress, Web3.givenProvider);
const zrxTokenAddress = contractWrappers.contractAddresses.zrxToken;
const zrxToken = new ERC20TokenContract(zrxTokenAddress, Web3.givenProvider);
// 1. Allow the 0x ERC20 Proxy to move ZRX on behalf of takerAccount
const takerZRXApprovalTxHash = await zrxToken
.approve(contractWrappers.contractAddresses.erc20Proxy, UNLIMITED_ALLOWANCE_IN_BASE_UNITS)
.sendTransactionAsync({ from: taker });
// 2. Allow the 0x ERC20 Proxy move BUSD on behalf of takerAccount
const takerErc20ProxyApprovalTxHash = await ethToken
.approve(contractWrappers.contractAddresses.erc20Proxy, UNLIMITED_ALLOWANCE_IN_BASE_UNITS)
.sendTransactionAsync({ from: taker });
// 3. Fill Order
const txHash = await contractWrappers.exchange
.fillOrder(sraOrder, takerAssetAmount, sraOrder.signature)
from: taker,
value: calculateProtocolFee([sraOrder]),
But I encounter error with FillOrder function, there for transaction is failed.
Please help me resolve this problem.
Thank you!