I have installed WAMP server.
When trying to connect to Oracle it gives this error:
ORA-12541: TNS:no listener
Anyone know how to solve this?
Make changes in php.ini file Enable oci driver uncomment by removing ; semicolon Check for the correct dll file and then
Try this simple class
class AdoConnection {
public $dbh;
public function __construct() {
include_once '../adoconnection/adodb5/adodb.inc.php'; // include your adodb.inc.php file
$server = "";
$user = "USER/SCHEMA/Database";
$pwd = "password";
$db = "SID OR Service_Name";
$this->dbh = NewADOConnection('oci8');
$this->dbh->Connect(FALSE, $user, $pwd, '(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ' . $server. ')(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = ' . $db . ') (SID = ' . $db . ')))');
public function select($sql) {
$result = $this->dbh->Execute($sql);
$result = $result->GetRows();
return $result;
public function insert($sql) {
$result = $this->dbh->Execute($sql);
return $result;
$dbh = new AdoConnection();
Just keep your error_reporting and display_errors On to see the errors.
Either your listener isn't started (issue the command
lsnrctl start
) or your tnsnames.ora is wrong.