Error when testing HttpInterceptor Angular 10

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I'm working on an Angular 10 application that uses an HttpInterceptor for adding a specific header to all responses. Unfortunately, when trying to test this interceptor, I keep getting the following error:

Error: Expected one matching request for criteria "Match by function: ", found none.

Or a similar variant:

Error: Expected one matching request for criteria "Match URL: /endpoint", found none.

My expectation is that this test would pass but I'm, now, at a loss as to figuring out why it's not working.

Here is my interceptor:

export class AuthInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
    constructor(private kc: KeycloakService) { }

    intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
        return Observable.fromPromise(this.kc.getToken()).mergeMap(auth => {
            if (auth) {
                req = req.clone({
                    setHeaders: {
                        Token: auth

            return next.handle(req);

Here is my test:

// imports removed for clarity

describe('Interceptor', () => {
    let http: HttpClient;
    let httpController: HttpTestingController;
    let mockKeycloakService: KeycloakService;
    let interceptor: AuthInterceptor;

    const TEST_TOKEN = 'test-token';

    beforeEach(() => {
            imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],
            providers: [
                    provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
                    useClass: AuthInterceptor,
                    multi: true

        http = TestBed.inject(HttpClient);
        httpController = TestBed.inject(HttpTestingController);
        mockKeycloakService = TestBed.inject(KeycloakService);

        spyOn(mockKeycloakService, 'getToken').and.returnValue(new Promise<string>(() => TEST_TOKEN));

        interceptor = new AuthInterceptor(mockService);

    // removed for clarity

    it('adds token to all responses', done => {
        let endpoint = '/endpoint';
        http.get<HttpResponse<any>>(endpoint).subscribe(res => {
        let req = httpController.expectOne(endpoint);

        // The first error occurred when I tried this:
        // let req = httpController.expectOne(res => res.headers.has('Token') && res.headers.get('Token') === TEST_TOKEN);

        let body = { test: 'test-value' };
        console.log(`The URL is: ${req.request.url}`);


    // removed for clarity

That said, it's probably worth pointing out that I've tried applying solutions from the following resources to no avail (most seem to be similar to what I already have anyways and many seem to be for older versions of Angular):

  • Unit testing HttpInterceptor from Angular 4: Here, I found a useful article that does almost exactly what I need but it doesn't actually work for my case (I'm getting the above errors). I say almost exactly because the Service I'm using to get the token doesn't actually use HttpClient from what I can tell.
  • This isn't exactly like my issue but it was similar enough to try it out. I tried using the workaround described by textbook but apparently that wasn't close enough to the issue I was having.
  • I also tried to spyOn the http.get(...) function in my test which caused the above error to be eliminated but it didn't call my intercept function when I did that.

Any help is much appreciated - thank you!


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