Error when play video from internal storage with videoView

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Im trying to download video file from server and save in a path, then play this video file by video play in an android application. Im using android studio. Downloading from server and saving in below path successfully was done.

  "/data/data/"  + getPackageName() +  "/raw/" + "video1_3"

But when i address the videoview to this path to play the video, the app crash.

    videoPlayer = findViewById(;
    videoPlayer.setVideoPath("/data/data/" + getPackageName() + "/raw/" + "video1_3");

I checked the file in this path and Im sure that the downloaded file is there. but I couldn't play file from this directory. Could you please help me thanks in advance


There are 1 answers


I could figure out my problem. It was very stupid and delicate point. The point is that I forgot to add the file format and I should include file format to the end of file name. Therefore, I changed this line:

      videoPlayer.setVideoPath("/data/data/" + getPackageName() + "/raw/" + video1_3");


      videoPlayer.setVideoPath("/data/data/" + getPackageName() + "/raw/" + "video1_3.mp4");

Then the code work well for me.