Error when I try to create a new account with "deis register" command

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I've a fresh install of Deis on AWS but I get this error when I try to register an user: does not appear to be a valid Deis controller.

Also, when I try to make a curl to the ELB or any node it return a timeout, but I think that it's a normal behaviour due to the security group configutarion. It could be a proxy configuration error? Because when I installed Deis I got this error:

Enabling proxy protocol failed, please enable proxy protocol manually after finishing your deis cluster installation.

And I enabled it manually with: deisctl config router set proxyProtocol=1



There are 2 answers

groovecoder On

I had this issue when I hadn't registered my deis cluster domain with global dns - i.e., I had only added it to a Route 53 hosted zone that wasn't actually public.

I fixed it by adding an A ALIAS record in Route 53 pointing a wildcard sub-domain under my existing domain to the deiswebelb host.

Name: *

Type: A

Value: ALIAS

bastilian On

Once you have enabled proxyProtocol on the router you should be able to run deisctl install platform without issues.

Is that not the case?