Error when calling perform operation on apollo ios

93 views Asked by At

here my code in swift:

mutation = LoginMutation( email: "[email protected]",password: "pa$$w0rd")

ApolloManager.shared.apollo.perform(mutation: mutation, resultHandler: { result in
            switch result {
                case .success(let graphQLResult):
                    if let data = {
                        print("Token: \(data)")
                    } else if let errors = graphQLResult.errors {
                case .failure(let error):

I get an error in the generated file and here is the error

Instance method 'perform(mutation:publishResultToStore:context:queue:resultHandler:)' requires that 'LoginMutation' conform to 'GraphQLMutation'

btw I used pod file to add some references as I followed the documentation. here is in my podfile:

# platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'ProjectName' do
  # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for AhenteNew
  pod 'Apollo'
  pod 'Apollo/SQLite'
  pod 'Apollo/WebSocket'


I used apollo-ios-cli to generate my API but I'm not sure why it is not running. if I made the project using the podfile the error showed while using the package dependencies the program worked fine. I don't know why the error saying cannot conform. please give the solution for this.

PS: here is my code in apollo-codegen-config

  "schemaNamespace" : "ProjectAPI",
  "input" : {
    "operationSearchPaths" : [
    "schemaSearchPaths" : [
  "output" : {
    "testMocks" : {
      "none" : {
    "schemaTypes" : {
      "path" : "./ProjectAPI",
      "moduleType" : {
        "swiftPackageManager" : {
    "operations" : {
      "inSchemaModule" : {
  "schemaDownloadConfiguration": {
      "downloadMethod": {
          "introspection": {
              "endpointURL": "<myendpoint>",
              "httpMethod": {
                  "POST": {}
              "includeDeprecatedInputValues": false,
              "outputFormat": "SDL"
      "downloadTimeout": 60,
      "headers": [],
      "outputPath": "./ProjectName/graphql/schema.graphqls"

using terminal I used these code:

(base) <dir> % ./apollo-ios-cli fetch-schema
(base) <dir> % ./apollo-ios-cli generate

any answer will be appreciated.


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