Error running 01 46, response: ...UNABLETOCONNECT

361 views Asked by At

Getting the data from OBD II simulator to android application via Bluetooth successfully.

Now I am trying get the data from ELM327 device to android application.

I have an ELM327 device connected to my Car. Bluetooth connection happens by ECU connection fails with unable to connect error.

getting below error, D:NetworkManagementSocketTagger: tagSocket(80) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1

E : Failed to run command. -> Error running 01 46, response: ...UNABLETOCONNECT

Could you please help me to resolve this issue.


There are 1 answers

Abdaal Zulfiqar On

i am trying to create an ionic obd-2 application for my university project. i am using "BluetoothSerial" in order to connect with obd simulator i have done all the settings required(that i know of) but i have hit a wall and i dont know what to do next. i connected to the bluetooth device and when is send the "ATZ" commands using bluetoothserial.write(obdcommand) i am getting "OK" can you please share with me how you connected with bluetoothserial or am i missing something...

I will post my code dow below.

    obdcommands=['ATD','ATZ','ATE0','ATL0','ATS0','ATH0','ATAT2','ATSP0','0100', '0105\r', '010C'];

   constructor(private bluetooth:BluetoothSerial,
          private DataSrv:DataSrvService,
          private action:ActionSheetController,
          private permission:AndroidPermissions, 
          private alert: AlertController,
          private toastctrl:ToastController) {

this.showError("No Address");
    this.modal.dismiss(null, 'cancel');
    this.presentToast("Connected Successfully");;

     alert("Connect Error: "+error);



    alert("Subscribed Successfully" +success);



 async searchOBD()
  for(let k=0;k<this.obdcommands.length;k++)
      await this.bluetooth.write(this.obdcommands[k]).then( (success) => {
        alert('Connected: '+this.obdcommands[k]+'Data: '+success );
    (error) => {
        alert('Reading failed: ' + error );
