Error redirecting to specfic page after Smartsheet Auth

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   @RequestMapping(value = "/smartsheet.htm", method= RequestMethod.GET)
   public void smartSheetAuth(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse resp,HttpSession session){
       String userEmail = ************;

       StringBuilder authUrl = new StringBuilder();

       oauth = new OAuthFlowBuilder()
               .setRedirectURL( APPLICATION_BASE_URL + RequestMapping value to be redirected to)
       EnumSet<AccessScope> smartsheetAccessScopes = EnumSet.of(AccessScope.READ_SHEETS,AccessScope.SHARE_SHEETS);
       String url = oauth.newAuthorizationURL(smartsheetAccessScopes, "MY_STATE");

       System.out.println("url >>>"+url);

What I am trying to do is Organizational Login . But, after I am authenticated instead of going to the redirect url specified in OAuthFlowBuilder ,it takes me to my home page of smartsheet. If I dont setAuthorizationURL() , I have to select the Oraganization Login from the options. It kinda works, but what I am trying to achieve is to get directly to SSO login page instead of clicking organization login option and then going further.

I have made an app using developer tools option of smartsheet and mentioned the same redirect url there also. Nothing seems to work.

Now redirect url is optional , but if dont specify that I am prompted with IllegalStateException.

Using smartsheet-sdk-java-2.0.0.jar


There are 1 answers

Kim Brandl On

The flow that you're trying to achieve is not possible. i.e., is not a valid authorization URL for Smartsheet oAuth.

Instead (as described in the Smartsheet oAuth documentation), you must use this URL: From there, the user can select the appropriate option to specify how they'd like to login.