Error reactotron createStore is not function

553 views Asked by At

I have a sample code use this packages:

  • reactotron-react-native
  • reactotron-redux
  • reactotron-redux-saga

file index.js

import "./ReactotronConfig";
const createAppropriateStore = __DEV__ ? console.tron.createStore : createStore;
const store = createAppropriateStore(reducers, applyMiddleware(...middleware));

file ReactotronConfig.js

import Reactotron from "reactotron-react-native";
if (__DEV__) {
  const tron = Reactotron.configure({ host: "" })


  console.tron = tron;

Result show this bug


But if I replace console.tron.createStore to createStore it will work again


There are 1 answers

hong developer On

You can try this

import "./ReactotronConfig";
import Reactotron from 'reactotron-react-native'
const createAppropriateStore = !__DEV__ ? console.tron.createStore : Reactotron.createStore;
const store = createAppropriateStore(reducers, applyMiddleware(...middleware));