We changed the server of our ASP website and in new setting browsing the website returns this error:
msxml3.dll error '80072ee2'
The operation timed out
/error404.asp, line 41 This is lines that I think returns error:
Set XML=Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0")
XML.SetOption 2,13056
XML.SetTimeouts 90000, 90000, 90000, 90000
XML.Open "POST", website &"/catalog/page.asp?id="& R("CTLMtree_id") &"&rnd="& rnd(), False
Response.Write XML.ResponseTExt
Set XML=Nothing
Are you sure that the
website & &"/catalog/page.asp
page exists ?Are you sure that the Msxml2 dll has been registered.
Do you have other msxml?.dll's on the server? Try another version.
What happens if you increase the
values ?Just a things thoughts that I would try. But please format your code (indent each line with 4 spaces), so that we at least can see what the actual codes is.