After exporting .Ova file, containing .ovf and .vhd resources, I'am facing errors during boot of the VM in VirtualBox/VmwarePlayer. Output ad follow ''' root (hd0,0) Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83 kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-419.el5xen ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVo100 console=xvc0
Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format '''
I found the problem. It is related to the custom Xen kernel. A fix can be found by installing a new kernel, disabling console on
and enabling tty.Current kernel installed packages
Download the latest RPM
In my case I had to find it because the CentOs is very old
Checking the RPM signature
Install/Update non-kernel RPMs (optional in my case)
(optional, for kernel developers)
Install Kernel
Creating Initial RAM disk (optional, only if system has SCSI controllers/SCSI hard drive)
If you can find an image for the currently running kernel, you need to proceed with this command for creating new initrd image for the new kernel:
Verify the grub configuration "/etc/grub.conf" Grub will be automatically configured with the new kernel upon RPM installation
Anyway if multiple kernels are avaible, you could specify on boot which one you want to use.
, the value “0” to “default” indicates that it will boot from the first kernel mentioned.Edit
, This file defines three important items for the init process:The system's default run level
What processes to start, monitor, and restart if they terminate
What actions to be taken when the system enters a new run level
Initializes console and identifies the terminal type
We are going to comment console line and uncomment text-only terminals as follows
Reboot the Macchine
In my case, after this operations I've been able to export and start the Vm on VirtualBox avoiding the previous error mentioned.