Error listing directory: Invalid Argument to date encode [3082-80-91]

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Currently working with WinSCP through the command line. Simple process that when run, copies remote files to local directory. I get a good way through the first-time download of files when I encounter this error:

Error listing directory '/FE_HDD_SyncFolder/Diags Old PC and Tape/DIAGS NON DG/QAPLUS 5.5 pc diags'. Unexpected directory listing line 'EMM386.EXE////120926/0/0/3082/80/91/40/24/1/1/1'. Invalid argument to date encode [3082-80-91] (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip: Abort

I am unsure what it means and I can't find any other questions here that give a straight answer to what this error means. Is the [3082-80-91] the error code or the date that the code is reaching and reading it as invalid?

Let me know if you need anything else to answer the question. Thanks again!

EDIT: Tried doing it though the client. I get the same error. With the client I can skip the file causing the error. I did that and the rest seems to be downloading just fin. Maybe it's just that specific file that is causing the error? Still don't know what the error is so if someone could lend a hand still, I'd appreciate it.


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