Error invoking event, the class org.ofbiz.learning.learning.LearningEvents was not found

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I have a request-map in controller as follows:

   <request-map uri="processFirstForm">
        <event type="java" path="org.ofbiz.learning.learning.LearningEvents"
            invoke="processFirstForm" />
        <response name="success" type="view" value="OneFormScreen" />

In controller, I defined a handler for java event as follows:

   <handler name="java" type="request" class="org.ofbiz.webapp.event.JavaEventHandler"/>

I have a screen form as follows:

   <form name="FirstForm" type="single" target="processFirstForm">
        <field name="firstName">
            <text />
        <field name="lastName">
            <text />
        <field name="submit">
            <submit />

I also have file LearningEvents.class in folder /bin/org/ofbiz/learning/learning

But i still receive a exception when i submit FirstForm form as follows:

ERROR rendering error page [/error/error.jsp], but here is the error text: org.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException: Error invoking event, the class org.ofbiz.learning.learning.LearningEvents was not found

Can anyone help me? thank a lot!


There are 1 answers

Bilgin Ibryam On

Do you have other java services or events in this component that are working fine? I trying to understand whether the problem is in this event or the whole component setup is not complete. Start from comparing your build.xml and ofbiz-component.xml with an existing one.