I'm using node-rdkafka to connect to IBM MessageHub with the following options:
var options = {
// 'debug': 'all',
'metadata.broker.list': brokers,
'security.protocol': 'sasl_ssl',
'ssl.ca.location': '/etc/ssl/certs',
'sasl.mechanisms': 'PLAIN',
'sasl.username': username,
'sasl.password': password,
'api.version.request': true,
'broker.version.fallback': '',
'log.connection.close': false,
'dr_msg_cb': true
The client is running on IBM Kubernetes Service pod (Ubuntu).
Please advice.
It means you were missing some dependencies (SSL or SASL) when you installed/built node-rdkafka.
On ubuntu make sure you have
installed.You can check our node-rdkafka sample Dockerfile for a working example.