ERROR in The target entry-point "side-drawer-directives" has missing dependencies:

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Having issues since upgrading to NS7. Have fixed most errors googling, but this one is striking me out - please any assistance would be appreciated. When I 'ns run ios' or 'ns run android', I receive the following error - ERROR in The target entry-point "side-drawer-directives" has missing dependencies:

  • ./..
  • tns-core-modules/ui/page
  • nativescript-angular/element-registry most stackoverflow suggests editing ngcc.config.ts, but after editing still getting same error.

My ngcc.config.ts currently looks like this (copied from other SO examples) -

module.exports = { "packages": { "@nativescript/angular": { entryPoints: { ".": { override: { main: "./index.js", typings: "./index.d.ts", }, ignoreMissingDependencies: true, } }, ignorableDeepImportMatchers: [ /zone.js//, /tns-core-modules//, /@nativescript/core// ] }, "nativescript-localize": { entryPoints: { ".": { override: { main: "./angular.js", typings: "./angular.d.ts", }, ignoreMissingDependencies: true, }, }, ignorableDeepImportMatchers: [ /@nativescript/core// ] }, "nativescript-datetimepicker": { entryPoints: { ".": { override: { main: "./index.js", typings: "./index.d.ts", }, ignoreMissingDependencies: true, }, "angular": { override: { main: "./index.js", typings: "./index.d.ts", }, ignoreMissingDependencies: true, } }, ignorableDeepImportMatchers: [ /tns-core-modules//, /@nativescript/core//, /@nativescript/angular// ] }, "nativescript-ui-sidedrawer": { entryPoints: { "angular": { override: { main: "./side-drawer-directives.js", typings: "./side-drawer-directives.d.ts", }, ignoreMissingDependencies: true, }, "side-drawer-directives": { override: { main: "./side-drawer-directives.js", typings: "./side-drawer-directives.d.ts", }, ignoreMissingDependencies: true, }, }, ignorableDeepImportMatchers: [ /tns-core-modules//, /@nativescript/core//, /@nativescript/angular// ] }, "nativescript-ui-listview": { entryPoints: { "angular": { override: { main: "./listview-directives.js", typings: "./listview-directives.d.ts", }, ignoreMissingDependencies: true, } }, ignorableDeepImportMatchers: [ /tns-core-modules//, /@nativescript/core//, /@nativescript/angular// ] } } }

This all started when I upgraded to NS7 with Angular10


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