Error in rxImport: Expected 8

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I am trying to read a file with 35.000.000 rows and 105 columns in R and decided to use Revolution R Enterprise 7.4, with this code:

 input <- RxTextData(data, isFixedFormat = F,delimiter = "\t")

 s <- rxImport(inData = input,outFile = output,overwrite = T)

but the code throws the following error:

Error in doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) : Write error: expected 8 got

Does anybody know how can I solve this error?



There are 2 answers

Kirill Glushko - Microsoft On

The patch for Windows and Linux has been made public Please follow this link to download the patch:

This patch is for current release versions (Linux version 8.0.5 and Windows version 8.0.3)

If you require this patch for a different version, please contact Microsoft support or feel free to address your concerns on this question on StackOverflow.


Kirill Glushko - Microsoft On

I'm an engineer on Microsoft R Server, and this error is an identified bug that is currently being addressed, This error occurs for data frames over 4GB in size.

It will be fixed in the next release of MRO/MRS.