I have written a spec file for update
function of one controller. I am using ruby-1.9.3 p194
, Rails 3.2.13
and rspec 2.13.1
and data mapper version ~> 1.2.0'
. I am calling update
function in my spec as follows:
put :update, :id=>@xyz.id, :xyz=> {key1:val1, key2:val2}
In update function of my xyz
controller I have accessed id
as follows:
def update
params[:xyz][:id] = params[:id] #This line is working fine and params[:id] is not nil
params = params[:xyz]
id = params[:id]
Problem is that while I am running the same file without any change twice at a time, it is giving two different errors. Once it is giving the following error:
core/collection.rb:1302: in resource undefined method 'saved?' for nil:NilClass
Next time, while running, it is giving the following error:
undefined_method 'id' for "57":string"
# ./app/controllers/xyz_controller.rb : in line number 3 of update where I am setting the id is giving error.
Is this the case the ruby version or the rspec or data-mapper version I am using is unstable or there is any other problem that I could not figure out. Please help.