I run a KQL search to enrich with some network tagging from a watchlist and then use it to filter out the results, based in all Microsoft documentation, code ir right, but results are wrong
let subnets = (_GetWatchlist('NetworkHierarchy')| where GROUP in ("Zscaler")|project CIDR, GROUP);
let Query =
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(timeFrame);
| evaluate ipv4_lookup(subnets, IPAddress, CIDR, return_unmatched = true)
| where isempty(CIDR)
I get results of the main "query" but aren't enriched, one example is a result from IP address when I have the entire block on that Watchlist
I tried a lot of variations but seems is unable to match, I have only 5K entries in that watchlist, similiar like
I may be way off the mark here, and apologies if so. But have you tried
on the watchlist?