I have installed gdal
$ conda install -c esri gdal
And then tried to run the command to merge 2 shapefiles
$ ogr2ogr -f ‘ESRI Shapefile’ n4600e00800_30.tif_highlight-1.shp n4600e00900_30.tif_highlight-1.shp
but getting error
ERROR 1: Unable to find driver `‘ESRI'.
Not sure if the driver needs to be installed separately as couldn't find much on this error.
The ‘...’ quotes are the problem. Try double quotes:
-f "ESRI Shapefile"
I'm not sure this is going to do what you expect.
converts between formats, it doesnt merge files. In your case it will results in a shapefile called n4600e00800_30.tif_highlight-1.shp that is identical to n4600e00900_30.tif_highlight-1.shp. Transformations between the same format are generally only useful if you add a filter, are changing coordinate reference system, etc.What you are probably looking for is
which should be callable from your CLI after installing GDAL. Your command should look like this then:You can also add
-f "ESRI Shapefile"
to ensure that it writes to the correct format but it'll guess the format from the extension,.shp
is a pretty safe bet that it'll get it right.