Error: Do not know how to handle this type of mutation. Mutation does not follow naming convention

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Using the GRANDstack Starter template project, I'm using apollo-server in combination with neo4j. I have a CreateParticipant mutation (defined in the schema.graphql with a @cypher directive) that I want to reuse for a new mutation.

The simplified resolver that gets passed into the augmented schema looks like this:

const resolvers = {
  Mutation: {
    UploadCSV: async (parent, { file }, context, info) => {
      // some data processing using file omitted
      const payload = { name: 'Just a name' }
      const result = resolvers.Mutation.CreateParticipant(
      return 'thanks StackOverflow'

The mutations are defined in the schema.graphql file like this:

CreateParticipant(name: String!, id: ID = null): Participant
  statement: """
  CREATE (par:Participant {
    name: $name,
    id: coalesce($id, apoc.create.uuid())
  RETURN par

UploadCSV(file: Upload!): String

When I try to upload a file now via the frontend, apollo-server throws an error when executing resolvers.Mutation.CreateParticipant(parent, payload, context, info). Payload is an object with key/value pairs that the mutation expects.

The thrown error is:

Error: Do not know how to handle this type of mutation. Mutation does not follow naming convention.

I'm wondering if passing the unmodified info is the reason this isn't working.


There are 1 answers

Edward Romero On

Don’t try to call the mutation inside another. Instead pull the create participant logic out and import the functions that are generic. This allows you to keep a separation of concerns between the upload csv and the create participants mutations.

Some good resources:

Nested Graphql Resolvers

Reusing Resolvers Conversation