I am doing a face recognition project, and I want to compare the x.label
returned value with the ID
saved to database.
I always get an error in if
condition comparing the ID with the x.label
public int Predict(Image<Gray, Byte> testImage)
Emgu.CV.FaceRecognizer.PredictionResult x;
if (testImage != null)
x= fr.Predict(testImage);
pictureBox1.Image = testImage.ToBitmap();
//MessageBox.Show(x.Label.ToString()+" "+x.Distance.ToString());
OleDbCommand D1 = new OleDbCommand("Select [ID] FROM [connect]", DBConnection);
OleDbDataReader reader = D1.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
if (Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID"]) == x.Label)
OleDbCommand insert1 = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE OutputReport SET [Attendance]='yes' WHERE [StudentID]='109';", DBConnection);
MessageBox.Show(" its working");
if (x.Distance < 69)
return x.Label;
MessageBox.Show("Error!!, The detected Face is neither recognised nor enrolled");
return -1;
return -1;
If my understanding is correct you need to check x.Label value with ID column value in the database of MS-Access. For that you need to do execute reader and assign the value.