Error: Communication error: The Client failed to send packet. The socket has been shut down

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Steps followed to installed Load Agent on AWS.

  1. Firewall Exception from controller for port 50500 , 54345, 443 and 3389 on load agent machine.

  2. Installed Load Runner Setup [ as Load agent Process is also a part of Load Runner Setup]

  3. Allowed all the programs [Agent Process, Agent Service.. etc] from Windows Firewall.

  4. Tried to connect from Load Controller. Error received on controller is

Communication error: The Client failed to send packet. The socket has been shut down.

As per OPs team, the agent is trying to establish a connection back to a server[Unknown AWS IP] on port 10051 and failing eventually where as this particular server is unknown to us.

Version of Loadrunner on Agent and Controller is same.

Please tell how do i have to install or configure MI LISTENER or AGENT PROCESS over firewall.


There are 1 answers


Turns out, it was a firewall exception mess made by the IT department. The above mentioned steps will clearly allow a communication with the LR Controller and Agent.