Error codes in Nearby Connections 2.0

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I've been experimenting with the new Android Nearby Connections v2.0 API. Most of my devices can now talk to each other most of the time, but I also get a lot of error codes back when trying to connect. Checking status.getStatusCode() inside my program, I can see the following return codes:


I'm having a hard time making sense of these. The first error code seems self-explanatory, except that I see it in cases when I haven't hit the onConnectionResult callback with a "SUCCESS" return code on either side of the alleged connection. My current code is full of trace statements, and I'd see logging entries if those callbacks had been reached. So maybe the devices are connected at some lower level, but if so, the higher-level code doesn't always hear about it.

I'm guessing that STATUS_BLUETOOTH_ERROR indicates a Bluetooth error on the side that logs it, while STATUS_ENDPOINT_IO_ERROR indicates an error (probably involving Bluetooth) on the other end? Is it possible to get any more details? The STATUS_ERROR (13) status that I see once in a while sounds like the sort of error code a programmer would use for those "WTF, we should never get here" moments, but without access to the source code, I can only guess.

Note that I see these errors between devices that talk to each other beautifully at other times, using the same code. Sometimes if the code retries enough times, it eventually gets a stable connection. Sometimes it connects and gets instantly disconnected from the other end. Sometimes I just get an endless stream of repeated error messages (STATUS_BLUETOOTH_ERROR and/or STATUS_ENDPOINT_IO_ERROR).

I'm using Nearby Connections with the connection strategy P2P_CLUSTER. These problems seem to happen most often when both sides do both advertising and discovery. However, I wrote two smaller programs that specialize in either advertising or discovery, and they sometimes get these errors too (but less often).

In the trace messages, I've also noticed lots of warning messages from Nearby Connections that look like this:

09-04 22:54:40.070 3866-3924/? W/NearbyConnections: Cannot deserialize BluetoothDeviceName: expecting min 16 raw bytes, got 6

I'm guessing that this is because Nearby Connections uses its own short tokens (like ZGbx) instead of the device Bluetooth name? I'm not at all sure about that, though. And anyway, if these are Nearby Connections' own special tokens, then why would it be issuing warning messages about it?


There are 2 answers


[Disclaimer: I work on Nearby Connections] I can try and help out.

STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED_TO_ENDPOINT: This occurs if you call 'requestConnection' while you have any pending (onConnectionInitiated) or established (onConnectionResult) connections to the given endpoint. Move your log statements earlier, to onConnectionInitiated, and you should see why we throw this error.

STATUS_BLUETOOTH_ERROR: Something went wrong with Bluetooth. The phone is probably in a bad state. This (hopefully) shouldn't happen too often. But if you really want a fix, stop advertising & discovery before reattempting requestConnection. Nearby Connections will toggle Bluetooth when it detects this error, but only if nothing else is going on.

STATUS_ENDPOINT_IO_ERROR: We lost connection to the other device. This can happen for a variety of reasons (they could have walked too far away, Bluetooth was flaky, the device stopped responding, etc). If you're discovering while you have connections, avoid that. Discovery can be hard on the phone and reduces bandwidth at best, causes dropped connections at worst.

STATUS_ERROR: Something went wrong that didn't fit well in the other error codes. It's a catch-all. This is most-often returned in onConnectionResult(FAILED), to notify you that something went wrong in between onConnectionInitiated and waiting for both sides to accept the connection.

We've also lowered the log severity of "Cannot deserialize BluetoothDeviceName" in an upcoming release, since it's not really a warning. It's like you said; expected behavior when we see non-Nearby Connections devices while discovering.

If you continue to see problems, let us know what devices you're using and we'll be sure to add them to our test suite.

Markymark On

I just want to add that it may be necessary to have a short client name string when calling the API.

E.g., Nearby.Connections.requestConnection(googleApiClient, shortNameHere,....)

I had been generating my own client name with UUID.randomUUID().toString() and that seemed to cause the STATUS_BLUETOOTH_ERROR. All I did was change the code sample to use a UUID name and to use P2P_CLUSTER and I got that error.

This was the solution for me regarding the STATUS_BLUETOOTH_ERROR.