Erro on VB "Expecting an existing scalar var"

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I was trying to make an function using vb. This function is to collect data for a report. Follows the example:

Public Function HeaderData() As String
Dim dados As String
dados = ""  
If Not(frm.FormQuery.FieldByName("A").AsString  = "S" And _
     frm.FormQuery.FieldByName("B").AsString  = "S" And _
     frm.FormQuery.FieldByName("C").AsString  = "S" And _
     frm.FormQuery.FieldByName("D").AsString  = "S") Then

dados = dados + "Type: "

If frm.FormQuery.FieldByName(A).AsString = "S" Then
  dados = dados + "A"
End If

If frm.FormQuery.FieldByName(B).AsString = "S" Then
  If frm.FormQuery.FieldByName(A).AsString = "S" Then
    dados = dados + ", "
  End If
  dados = dados + "B"
End If

If frm.FormQuery.FieldByName(C).AsString = "S" Then
  If frm.FormQuery.FieldByName(A).AsString = "S" Or _
     frm.FormQuery.FieldByName(B).AsString = "S" Then
     dados = dados + ", "
  End If
  dados = dados + "C"
End If

 If frm.FormQuery.FieldByName(D).AsString = "S" Then
  If frm.FormQuery.FieldByName(A).AsString = "S" Or _
     frm.FormQuery.FieldByName(B).AsString = "S" Or _
     frm.FormQuery.FieldByName(C).AsString = "S" Then
     dados = dados + ", "
  End If
  dados = dados + "D"
End If

dados =  dados + "; "

And this function causes the error: Expecting an existing scalar var.

I did other functions with the same purpose, with similar code, using the same variable to collect the data (dados) and did not cause the error. What could be happening?


There are 1 answers

the_lotus On

Your logic doesn't make much sense. I highly suggest that you write just a few lines and debug. Make sure everything works properly and than write a few more lines. Writing to much at the beginning will cause trouble.

    Dim possibleFields As String() = {"A", "B", "C", "D"}
    Dim foundFields As New List(Of String)
    Dim dados As String = ""

    For Each field As String In possibleFields
        If frm.FormQuery.FieldByName(field).AsString = "S" Then
        End If

    If foundFields.Count > 0 Then
        dados = String.Format("Type: {0}; ", String.Join(", ", foundFields.ToArray()))
    End If