I have a test module and a simple_one_for_one supervisor.
run(Fun) ->
do_job(Fun) ->
Pid = spawn(Fun),
io:format("started ~p~n", [Pid]),
{ok, Pid}.
start_link() ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
init(_Args) ->
SupFlags = #{strategy => simple_one_for_one, intensity => 2, period => 20},
ChildSpecs = [#{id => test,
start => {test, do_job, []},
restart => permanent,
shutdown => brutal_kill,
type => worker,
modules => [test]}],
{ok, {SupFlags, ChildSpecs}}.
start_child(Args) ->
supervisor:start_child(?MODULE, Args).
I start supervisor in shell by command test_sup:start_link()
. After that i run this command: test:run(fun() -> erlang:throw(err) end).
I except the function do_job
restart 2times but it never does. What is the problem?
Here is shell:
1> test_sup:start_link().
2> test:run(fun() -> erlang:throw(err) end).
started <0.38.0>
=ERROR REPORT==== 16-Dec-2016::22:08:41 ===
Error in process <0.38.0> with exit value:
Restarting children is contrary to how
supervisors are defined. Per the supervisor docs:In other words, what you're asking for can never happen. That's because a
is intended for dynamic children that are defined on the fly by passing in additional startup args when you request the child. Other supervisors are able to restart their children because the startup args are statically defined in the supervisor.Basically, this type of supervisor is strictly for ensuring a tidy shutdown when you need to have a dynamic pool of workers.