Erlang: How to convert erlang date to binary?

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I have the following function that returns current date:

7> {Y,M,D}=erlang:date().

Now I need to have a binary with these values inside like this:


I have tried

15> S= [Y,M,D].
16> list_to_binary(S).
** exception error: bad argument
 in function  list_to_binary/1
    called as list_to_binary([2014,11,18])

There are 5 answers

Shkodran Gerguri On BEST ANSWER

You can do it like this:

9> list_to_binary(lists:map(fun erlang:integer_to_list/1, [Y, M, D])).

Or like this, which is equivalent but not really practical for larger lists:

10> list_to_binary([integer_to_list(Y), integer_to_list(M), integer_to_list(D)]).
BlackMamba On
list_to_binary( io_lib:format("~p~p~p", [Y,M,D]) ).

The output is <<"20141119">>.

You can try this method.

Pascal On

You should add separators in your binary or at least format it otherwise you will not be able to make the difference between 2014/12/09 and 2014/01/29 with the binary <<"2014129">>. You could use:

list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~4w~2w~2w", [Y,M,D])).  % which will add space when necessary

Or if you only want to store the information you can store each element as a 16 bit binary:

lists:foldr(fun(X,Acc) -> <<X:16,Acc/binary>> end,<<>>,[Y,M,D]). % the result is less friendly to read but easier to manipulate.


1> list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~4w~2w~2w",[2014,1,11])).   
<<"2014 111">>
2> lists:foldr(fun(X,Acc) -> <<X:16,Acc/binary>> end,<<>>,[2014,1,11]).
afsantos On

Try the following function, based on the answers to this question, and this question.

date_to_binary() ->
    {Y,M,D} = erlang:date(),
    BinY = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Y)),
    BinM = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(M)),
    BinD = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(D)),
    <<BinY/binary, BinM/binary, BinD/binary>>.

This may not be the most efficient method, but it is probably the most explicit step by step conversion available out of the box.

chops On

Late response, but why not:

Another single line option using qdate (a project of mine):

qdate:to_string(<<"Ymd">>, {erlang:date(), {0,0,0}}).

qdate:to_string's formatting option follows PHP's date() function formatting conventions. The addition of {0,0,0} is necessary because a three-tuple is treated as an erlang timestamp (now() format) while a two-tuple of three-tuples (ex: {{2015, 9, 30}, {15, 54, 39}}) is needed for it to identify a date format.