Epub or Mobi Sdk for xamarin

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I am thinking of developing Ebook reader in xamarin forms. But I could not find any Epub/Mobi reader SDK anywhere.Is there any xmarin SDK available for Ebook reader ? If it is not available , How can I develop one in xamarin ?


There are 3 answers

moljac On

Just checked few nugets with following results:

  • ePub
    • epubsharp netfx3.5 - so no go for Xamarin. Besides this is only for generation of epub format
    • epubfactory PCL - this might work for Xamarin.Forms
    • epubreader I was not able to determine tartget platform. Try adding to the project
  • Mobi - none found
Андрей Амбразевич On

You could try this one - https://epubear.scand.com/. It stands for Xamarine as well as for Android & iOS. Fairly faster than SkyEpub, not buggy and doesn't remind me of construction set with lots of unuseful features & tools. Reliable, easy to drive and the team is fast to respond in case you might need help.

Denis Gordin On

I have made a port of EpubReader for PCL projects: EpubReader.Cross. It has almost same api except you need to use streams instead paths to files. You can download the library as a package from Nuget: Install-Package EpubReader.Cross

For opening a book without loading content:

var epubBook = EpubReader.OpenBook(stream);

For reading a book:

var epubBook = EpubReader.ReadBook(stream);