I have been having trouble reading environment variables in some Celery Tasks when celery is run via supervisor
in /etc/supervisord.conf
command = /home/myuser/mydevelopment/git/ers_data_app/env/bin/celery worker -A webapp.celery --loglevel=info
in myapp/myfile.py
print 'the system config is', os.getenv('FLASK_CONFIG')
dburi = app_config.config[os.getenv('FLASK_CONFIG')].DATABASE_URI
in celeryworker.log
the system config is None
in celeryworkererr.log
File "/home/webdev/mydevelopment/git/ers_data_app/webapp/dbmodels/database.py", line 16, in <module>
dburi = app_config.config[os.getenv('FLASK_CONFIG')].DATABASE_URI
KeyError: None
Since supervisor
doesn't start a shell, the following is unnecessary, but its here for completeness..
in /etc/profile.d/my_app.sh
export FLASK_CONFIG='testing'
In your .conf file under the supervisord block, you can add all the environment key=value pairs as such
If you dont want to hardcode the variables but want to pull it in from the os environment, step 1 on your bash
Export env var
Reload Bash
Check if env vars are set properly
Now modify the conf file to read - Note: prepend your env variables with ENV_