I am using entity framework and have multiple databases to work with. I would like different users to connect to different databases. In my connection string in web.config, it goes like this.
<add name="ADBEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://EF_DAL;provider=Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;provider connection string="data source=pc:15/xe;password=l;user id=l"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
<add name="BDBEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://EF_DAL;provider=Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;provider connection string="data source=pc:15/xe;password=2;user id=2"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
In my auto generated file from model1.context.vb, the following is generated
Partial Public Class DBEntities
Inherits DbContext
Public Sub New()
End Sub
what i would like to do is to be able to have the users connect to different database. I figured out being a partial class. I tried to create another class like this
Partial Public Class DALEntities
Inherits DBEntities
Private Sub New(nameOfConnectionString As String)
End Sub
End Class
However of course it will not work becos DBEntities does not have a New() which takes in arguments. Is there a way to overcome this by editing settings in the autogeneration process or to overcome this problem programatically.
You could simply create a class that inherits directly from DbContext instead of the auto-generated class.
This assumes that the database schemas referenced by each connection string are the same. If they are not, there would be a bit more work to do as far as the model is concerned.