I'm trying to create a table from within visual studio and update my .edmx file inside Visual Studio by right-clicking the file and selecting Update Model from Database.
My table looks like this:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tableName] (
[CategoryId] INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT [FK_responsibleUser_user] FOREIGN KEY ([UserId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[users] ([UserId]) ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINT [FK_categoryResponsibleUser_category] FOREIGN KEY ([CategoryId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[categories] ([CategoryId]) ON DELETE CASCADE
This table contains two foreign keys to the tables i want to link. After I run the script "Update Model from Database", a relation between the two tables pops up.
Now Heres the problem: I need EF to generate an instance of my class in Visual studio like this:
public virtual DbSet<tableName> TableIWantToBeGeneratedByEF { get; set; }
As I said, with the current mapping it just creates a relation between two tables. How do I alter my query when creating the table for this to happen? Can this be achieved while using two foreign keys as the primary key or what?
Almost forgot. It seems that it was the compound primary keys that caused the problem. I changed so both my foreign keys just acted like foreign keys and not as a combined primary key, then created a columnn named Id instead with datatype INT Identity. Ran the script "Update Model from Database" in .edmx designer and boom, there it was.