Entity Framework query timeout but SQL is instant

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I have a couple of expressions that I run a Count() against in EF6. The generated SQL query winds up a somewhat complex one hitting a few tables with a few parameters passed in. However it runs in less than a second if I copy the SQL into SSMS.

In EF the Linq Query takes over 30 seconds and often simply throws a Connection Timeout exception.

Looking at the activity monitor I can see it appears as if the same query is being ran many thousands (if not millions) of times.

What appears to be hundreds of thousands of reads

The code triggering the queries is made up of a couple of expressions that are combined using LinqKit AsExpandable() and Invoke().

//properties is an IQueryable<Property> and checkDate a DateTime
int propertyCount = FilterCompliantOnDate(properties, checkDate).Count();

public IQueryable<Property> FilterCompliantOnDate(IQueryable<Property> properties, DateTime checkDate)
    // SelectedComplianceCategory is a local property (int?)
    return properties.AsExpandable().Where(p=>PropertyIsCompliant.Invoke(p, checkDate, SelectedComplianceCategory));

public static readonly Expression<Func<Property, DateTime, int?, bool>> PropertyIsCompliant = (p, checkDate, complianceCategory) =>
    CategoryComplianceRatings.Invoke(p, complianceCategory, checkDate).Any() &&
    CategoryComplianceRatings.Invoke(p, complianceCategory, checkDate)
        .All(cr => cr.ComplianceRating == ComplianceRating.Compliant);

private static readonly Expression<Func<Property, int?, DateTime, IQueryable<PropertyComplianceRating>>> CategoryComplianceRatings =
    (p, categoryId, checkTime) => p.ComplianceRatings.AsQueryable()
    .Where(cr =>
        cr.ComplianceCategory != null &&
            categoryId == null ||
            (categoryId != null && cr.ComplianceCategory.Id == categoryId)
    .GroupBy(cr => cr.ComplianceCategory)
    .Select(g => g
    .Where(cr => cr.Date < checkTime)
    .OrderByDescending(cr => cr.Date)

There are 2 answers

faby On

Maybe your query is tacking all references, try in this way with AsNoTracking

database.Table.AsNoTracking().Where(e=>other code)


If it doesn't work try moving the 'AsQueryable()' after the Where part and before the GroupBy part.

Amir Pelled On

Check the session settings (arithabort, ansi_nulls...) when you execute from the different environments. Make sure they are all the same. Many times, different settings will result in the same procedure executing with completely different execution durations.