Entity Framework eager loading GREAT GrandChildren

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There are hundreds of examples of loading Entity Framework objects with the include statement but they stop short of Great GrandChild objects.

I have a complex object linked to about 48 tables, some of which go beyond the simple parent.child.grandchild code provided. Specifically I have a pattern object with a child entities that holds address entities that holds address field entities. (Among other entities it is holding.)

Here is the usual solution to the address grand child:

context.StagingPatternSet.Include( sp => sp.StagingPatternEntities.Select( e => e.StagingPatternAddresses ).ToList();

but how does one add the StagingPatternAddressFields to the list which is child to StagingPatternAddresses. Linq has nothing to add beyond the first select that I can find.

Linq to SQL has a wonderful extension that lets me define it with the DataLoadOptions...

var dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
dlo.LoadWith<StagingPattern>( p => p.StagingPatternEntities );
dlo.LoadWith<StagingPatternEntity>( e => e.StagingPatternAddresses );
dlo.LoadWith<StagingPatternAddress>( a => a.StagingPatternAddressFields );

but alas, this is not available to context DbSets. You set it to the LoadOptions of your SQL db. I would most appreciate if anyone has an elegant solution to this problem.



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