Entity Framework and SCOPE_IDENTITY

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I have a stored procedure that inserts into a table then executes this line

SET @returnVal = SCOPE_IDENTITY();

and after that I've tried both:

SELECT @returnVal


return @returnVal

When I execute the stored procedure from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, I get the expected result with SELECT @returnVal - the identity column for the inserted data is selected.

However when I add the stored procedure to my ADO.Net Entity Data Model / EntityFramework class / .edmx class and execute the stored procedure in my C# code, I get the value -1 returned without fail.

Is it possible to get the value that I want, the new identity value, returned?

I realize that I could manually bind the stored procedure to the insert action of the table in my model - but this is not an option. There are far too many insert procedures to do this manual work every time I regenerate my model class(es).


There are 4 answers


Declare a output type of parameter in your procedure definition:

 create procedure [dbo].[Procedurename] @returnVal int output
 SET @returnVal = SCOPE_IDENTITY();

and while calling the stored procedure call it as:

 declare @returnVal int
 exec Procedurename @returnVal output
 print @returnVal 
Bassam Alugili On

context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand return the command executing result and not the query result. If you need to get data than use context.Database.SqlQuery.

SET @ReturnVal=SCOPE_IDENTITY() and then use the select.

Example: How to use DbContext.Database.SqlQuery<TElement>(sql, params) with stored procedure? EF Code First CTP5

ChetPrickles On

If you open the edmx file and right click on the function import in the model browser you can tell entity framework that the stored procedure returns a collection of scalars. Then you can essentially call the sproc with mycontext.mysproc().Single() to get the ID.

Liam On

taken from the OPs question

Adding an output parameter worked (answer marked below).

The stored procedure signature looks like this now:

My stored procedure signature now looks like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE SP_MyStoreProc ([Multiple Parameters], @returnVal int output)

The last line of the stored procedure is:

return @returnVal

My C# code looks like this now: (db is an instance of my dbContext class)

System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter identityParameter = 
new System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter("returnVal", 0);

db.SP_MyStoredProc([Multiple Parameters], identityParameter);

int myNewIdentity = Convert.ToInt32(identityParameter.Value);