I just updated Azure.Storage.Queues to the latest version, the old version I was running used the CloudQueue object, and the AddMessageAsync method to put a message on the queue. In the new version you need to use the QueueClient and SendMessageAsync method.
I send this message from an IoTHub, when the message arrives at the iothub it is protobuf byte array. Before the update I could just pass on the byte array to the queue. but now the new method takes either string or BinaryData.
I now pass on BinaryData that is encoded with base64, which I set in the QueueClient options (see pic).
But when i receive the message in my QueueTrigger i get these warnings (see pic)
Anyone know why I'm getting these warnings? the data is arriving as it should so no problem, just curious why these warnings are coming.
Edit, More info how i send from IoTHub and how i receiving in the QueueTrigger:
1. Create a storage account in azure
2. And in storage account create a queue
Install the nuGet
Used the namespace Azure.Storage.Queues and have used the same code
Message from the Azure Queue
worked in both console application and azure functions and able to send messages without any issues.