I want to encode raw frame (byte[]) to H264 using SharpFFmpeg. Code is:
public void Encoder(byte[] capturedFrame)
int returnValue;
IntPtr codec = FFmpeg.avcodec_find_encoder(FFmpeg.CodecID.CODEC_ID_H264);
IntPtr codecCont = FFmpeg.avcodec_alloc_context(); //AVCodecContext
FFmpeg.avcodec_open(codecCont, codec);
IntPtr frame = FFmpeg.avcodec_alloc_frame(); //AVFrame
IntPtr encodedFramePtr = new IntPtr();
///// byte[] to IntPtr
IntPtr unmanagedPointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(capturedFrame.Length);
Marshal.Copy(capturedFrame, 0, unmanagedPointer, capturedFrame.Length);
returnValue = FFmpeg.avcodec_encode_video(codecCont, encodedFramePtr, capturedFrame.Length, unmanagedPointer);
Console.WriteLine("Return value is {0}", returnValue); // return value is always "-1"
// Call unmanaged code
but the value returned by encode function is always -1 (error). Can someone point out what I am missing here. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks.