Here is my complete code for a function I develop:
package main
import (
"" //golang frameworks
_ ""
"" //work with database(mysql, etc.)
type Genre struct {
Title string `xml:"genre"`
type GenreArray struct {
Auth_state int `xml:"auth_state"`
Count int64 `xml:"count"`
Item genreAPI `xml:"item"`
type UserPass struct {
Username string `xml:"username"`
Password string `xml:"password"`
type ErrorMessage struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"error"`
Error string `xml:"error_code"`
Message string `xml:"message"`
type Auth struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"config"`
Nas_SharingEmpty int `xml:"nas_sharing>auth_state"`
type ConfigGenre struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"config"`
Nas_Sharing GenreArray `xml:"nas_sharing"`
type genreAPI []Genre
var dbmap = initDb()
func initDb() *gorp.DbMap {
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "root@tcp(localhost:3306)/mymusic")
checkErr(err, "sql.Open failed")
dbmap := &gorp.DbMap{Db: db, Dialect: gorp.MySQLDialect{"InnoDB", "UTF8"}}
return dbmap
func checkErr(err error, msg string) {
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln(msg, err)
func main() {
r := gin.Default()
r.POST("/nas_sharing", myMusicXML)
func myMusicXML(c *gin.Context) {
cmd := c.Request.Form.Get("cmd")
usernamepost := c.Request.Form.Get("user")
passwordpost := c.Request.Form.Get("passwd")
if cmd == "36" {
//Music Genre List API
var genre []Genre
var userpass []UserPass
var count int64
var countAuth int64
//Query the post username and password
_, errAuth := dbmap.Select(&userpass, "SELECT username, password FROM user WHERE username=? and password=?", usernamepost, passwordpost)
//Check if post username and password exist
countAuth, errAuth = dbmap.SelectInt("select count(*) FROM user WHERE username=? and password=?", usernamepost, passwordpost)
if countAuth == 0 {
//If no rows detected, output a message
c.XML(404, Auth{Nas_SharingEmpty: 0})
//Check if query is valid
if errAuth == nil {
log.Println("auth_state :", countAuth)
c.XML(404, gin.H{"error": "sql query error found"})
//Query genre list
_, err := dbmap.Select(&genre, "SELECT Title FROM genre_cntr_tbl")
//Count genres
count, err = dbmap.SelectInt("select count(*) FROM genre_cntr_tbl")
if count == 0 {
//If no rows detected, output a message
c.XML(404, ErrorMessage{Error:"404", Message: "no genre found"})
//Check if query is valid
if err == nil {
log.Println("Genres :", genre)
c.XML(200, ConfigGenre{Nas_Sharing: GenreArray{Auth_state: 1, Count: count, Item: genre,}})
c.XML(404, gin.H{"error": "sql query error found"})
c.XML(404, ErrorMessage{Error:"404", Message: "command not found"})
And here is the output:
<genre>Hip Hop</genre>
Here is the value of genre of my output to log(note: It came from a database):
Genres : [{Pop} {Rock} {Dance} {Opera} {Techno} {Hiphop} {Jazz} {Reggae}]
However, I would like to convert the output to base64 format. Here's a sample code for encoding to base64 but the data given to this is string
unlike the one I develop that comes from an array. How could I achieve that output?
data := "/MyMusic/images/_albums/albums_nophoto.png"
sEnc := b64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(data))
Here is what output I expected
Foreword: The first section answers the original question (encode array to Base64). If you just want individual
fields to appear as Base64 strings in the output, see the 2nd section.Encoding a
into Base64 formatBase64 is an encoding, a function used to convert an arbitrary sequence of bytes to a text using a small, well defined set of characters.
So you have to decide / come up with a way to convert your
array or slice to a sequence of bytes.An easy and convenient way is to convert your
to JSON text which will also take care of escaping strings having a quotation mark"
for example. The resultstring
can be easily encoded using the method you described:Output (try it on the Go Playground):
Having such Base64 result, you can decode it like this:
Of course you may choose any other transformations to convert
to a byte sequence. You could convert it to XML, or using theencoding/binary
or anything else. I chose JSON because it is a one-liner, compact, fast, and is supported in almost every programming language, so it won't be a problem if another program has to decode it.Making individual
fields to appear as Base64You can do this by implementing the
interface on the type (or enclosingstruct
) like this:Basically what this does is creates a copy of
, changes the value of theTitle
field (of the copy) to the Base64 representation of its original value and encodes this copy.Output (partial), try it on the Go Playground: