In my app, I am enabling "enabled_notification_listeners" it is working in all cases except one case.
If we run the app the first time I am checking if is it enables or not if not then redirecting a user to the setting of notification access and if I upgrade the app or run the app from the android studio and I am checking that it is enabled or not it gives me it is enabled but when a notification comes I didn't receive any callbacks.
If I manually disable it and enable it, it starts working.
So is there any way that we can disable it programmatically?
Here is how I am opening the setting page:
How I am checking if is it enables or disables:
boolean hasNotificationAccess()
ContentResolver contentResolver = this.getContentResolver();
String enabledNotificationListeners = Settings.Secure.getString(contentResolver, "enabled_notification_listeners");
String packageName = this.getPackageName();
return !(enabledNotificationListeners == null || !enabledNotificationListeners.contains(packageName));
Can we change its status programmatically?