Empty Decrypted Text Issue in Python AES Encryption/Decryption

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I am currently working on a Python script for AES encryption and decryption using the Crypto library. The encryption part seems to be working fine, but when I try to decrypt the text, the result is an empty string. I've reviewed my code, but I can't identify the issue. I would appreciate any insights or suggestions to help me debug and resolve this problem.

import hashlib
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto import Random
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode

class AESCipher(object):
    def __init__(self, key=None):
        # Initialize the AESCipher object with a key, defaulting to a randomly generated key
        self.block_size = AES.block_size
        if key:
            self.key = hashlib.sha256(key.encode()).digest()
            self.key = Random.new().read(self.block_size)

    def encrypt(self, plain_text):
        # Encrypt the provided plaintext using AES in CBC mode
        plain_text = self.__pad(plain_text)
        iv = Random.new().read(self.block_size)
        cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
        encrypted_text = cipher.encrypt(plain_text)
        # Combine IV and encrypted text, then base64 encode for safe representation
        return b64encode(iv + encrypted_text).decode("utf-8")

    def decrypt(self, encrypted_text):
        # Decrypt the provided ciphertext using AES in CBC mode
        encrypted_text = b64decode(encrypted_text)
        iv = encrypted_text[:self.block_size]
        cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
        plain_text = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_text[self.block_size:])
        return self.__unpad(plain_text)

    def get_key(self):
        # Get the base64 encoded representation of the key
        return b64encode(self.key).decode("utf-8")

    def __pad(self, plain_text):
        # Add PKCS7 padding to the plaintext
        number_of_bytes_to_pad = self.block_size - len(plain_text) % self.block_size
        padding_bytes = bytes([number_of_bytes_to_pad] * number_of_bytes_to_pad)
        padded_plain_text = plain_text.encode() + padding_bytes
        return padded_plain_text

    def __unpad(plain_text):
        # Remove PKCS7 padding from the plaintext
        last_byte = plain_text[-1]
        return plain_text[:-last_byte] if isinstance(last_byte, int) else plain_text

def save_to_notepad(text, key, filename):
    # Save encrypted text and key to a file
    with open(filename, 'w') as file:
        file.write(f"Key: {key}\nEncrypted text: {text}")
    print(f"Text and key saved to {filename}")

def encrypt_and_save():
    # Take user input, encrypt, and save to a file
    user_input = ""
    while not user_input:
        user_input = input("Enter the plaintext: ")

    aes_cipher = AESCipher()  # Randomly generated key

    encrypted_text = aes_cipher.encrypt(user_input)
    key = aes_cipher.get_key()

    filename = input("Enter the filename (including .txt extension): ")
    save_to_notepad(encrypted_text, key, filename)

def decrypt_from_file():
    # Decrypt encrypted text from a file using a key
    filename = input("Enter the filename to decrypt (including .txt extension): ")
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        lines = file.readlines()
        key = lines[0].split(":")[1].strip()
        encrypted_text = lines[1].split(":")[1].strip()

    aes_cipher = AESCipher(key)
    decrypted_bytes = aes_cipher.decrypt(encrypted_text)

    # Decoding only if the decrypted bytes are not empty
    decrypted_text = decrypted_bytes.decode("utf-8") if decrypted_bytes else ""
    print("Decrypted Text:", decrypted_text)

def encrypt_and_decrypt_in_command_line():
    # Encrypt and then decrypt user input in the command line
    user_input = ""
    while not user_input:
        user_input = input("Enter the plaintext: ")

    aes_cipher = AESCipher()

    encrypted_text = aes_cipher.encrypt(user_input)
    key = aes_cipher.get_key()

    print("Key:", key)
    print("Encrypted Text:", encrypted_text)

    decrypted_bytes = aes_cipher.decrypt(encrypted_text)
    decrypted_text = decrypted_bytes.decode("utf-8") if decrypted_bytes else ""
    print("Decrypted Text:", decrypted_text)

# Menu Interface
while True:
    print("1. Encrypt and save to file")
    print("2. Decrypt from file")
    print("3. Encrypt and decrypt in command line")
    print("4. Exit")

    choice = input("Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, or 4): ")

    if choice == '1':
    elif choice == '2':
    elif choice == '3':
    elif choice == '4':
        print("Exiting the program. Goodbye!")
        print("Invalid choice. Please enter 1, 2, 3, or 4.")


There are 1 answers

Oluwafemi Sule On BEST ANSWER

AESCipher.get_key method encodes the key as a base64 string.

Here is the relevant code:

    def get_key(self):
        # Get the base64 encoded representation of the key
        return b64encode(self.key).decode("utf-8")

When you provide a key in the AESCipher constructor, you need to decode the key instead of computing a digest.

Your constructor should look as follows:

class AESCipher(object):
    def __init__(self, key=None):
        # Initialize the AESCipher object with a key, 
        # defaulting to a randomly generated key
        self.block_size = AES.block_size
        if key:
            self.key = b64decode(key.encode())
            self.key = Random.new().read(self.block_size)