Emgu cv invoke exception c#

815 views Asked by At

i just downloaded emgucv library and installed it,followed a tutorial on youtube -added the right dll's refrences to my project but im getting an error when intializing an emgucv image

Image<Bgr,Byte> img=new Image<Bgr,Byte>(@"C:\Users\pro\Desktop\Itamar\LolTools\Autologin\Resources\Logo.png");

the most common exception in that library:The type initializer for 'Emgu.CV.CvInvoke' threw an exception

i've searched for many solution over the net,to copy the dll files to 64x directory in my project,add the dlls and set always copy still nothing works. im probably breaking my head about this so i would be realy happy if someone could help.


There are 1 answers


if your IDE is visual studio, follow this:

project -> properties -> build

and then make your platform target x64