ember-simple-auth qunit test with jquery mockjax

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I use ember-simple-auth within my application. For my test I use QUnit together with jquery-mockjax. But I didn't get my test, login with correct credentials, to work with a mocked response. If I didn't mock, the test below works. The mocked response looks exactly like a server response.

My question is, how should I mock the response for ember-simple-auth?

test "with correct credentials", ->

  response = 
    access_token : "92d50f562503e40fe783c2ebf359e0c2b37fa80758e2e3603d7e3e82a485522a"
    expires_in : 7200
    token_type : "bearer"

  # if I remove the following line, the test works
  mock_http('/oauth/token', response, 200)

  .fillIn('#identification', '[email protected]')
  .fillIn('#password', 'tester')
  .click('.btn-success').then ->
    ok(find("a:contains('Logout')").length, 'logout link not visible')
      ok(not find("a:contains('Login')").length, 'login link still visible')

the following test also works with mocking:

test "with wrong credentials", ->

  response = 
    error : 'some error occured'

  mock_http('/oauth/token', response, 401)

  .fillIn('#identification', 'test')
  .fillIn('#password', 'wrong')
  .click('.btn-success').then ->
    ok(not find("a:contains('Logout')").length, 'logout link not visible')
    ok(find("a:contains('Login')").length, 'login link still visible')


Following a jsBin, that shows the problem: http://jsbin.com/ASaSaRiX/6/edit


There are 3 answers


The problem is caused by jQuery version conflicts with mockjax. With the help from marcoow I found this stackoverflow question. With jQuery < 1.10 it works. Mhh... that's not nice.

By the way a working jsBin: http://jsbin.com/ASaSaRiX/11

EDIT: You can find more detailed information here. The problem is caused by a changed in jQuery.

@marcoow: One fix is to add dataType: 'json' to the request options of Ember.SimpleAuth. Maybe you have some time to look at the informations given in the link above.

marcoow On

I'm the author of Ember.SimpleAuth.

Did you configure Ember.SimpleAuth to use '/oauth/token' as the token endpoint? Otherwise it would use '/token' as the server endpoint so your mock wouldn't have any effect.

Pedro On

Your indetation in the first code block does not seem to be correct. It should read like this: (notice indentation change at the mock_http line)

test "with correct credentials", ->

  response = 
    access_token : "92d50f562503e40fe783c2ebf359e0c2b37fa80758e2e3603d7e3e82a485522a"
    expires_in : 7200
    token_type : "bearer"

  # if I remove the following line, the test works
  mock_http('/oauth/token', response, 200)

  fillIn('#identification', '[email protected]')
  fillIn('#password', 'tester')
  click('.btn-success').then ->
    ok(find("a:contains('Logout')").length, 'logout link not visible')
    ok(not find("a:contains('Login')").length, 'login link still visible')