Ember 2, acceptance testing, websocket pending hangs andThen() wating for pending to finish

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I'm starting for the first time in Acceptance testing my Ember application.

So I started from login with this:


import { test } from "qunit";
import moduleForAcceptance from "myapp/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance";

moduleForAcceptance("Acceptance | login");

test("Should login", function(assert) {
  fillIn("input[type=email]", "[email protected]");
  fillIn("input[type=password]", "userpass");

  andThen(() => {
    assert.equal(currentURL(), "/");
    assert.equal(find("h1").text(), "Hello!");

It never goes in andThen(), so it hangs on click("button[type=submit]");.

I understand why.

In my app/templates/index.hbs I have a component notifications which rely on a websocket which is constantly in pending in my single page application (if I open Chrome there is a pending websocket call...).

If I remove this component from my index.hbs everything works as expected.

After the login I should tell to andThen() helper to ignore the pending state of that service('notifications') which is constantly in pending state?

How to do?


There are 1 answers

Sandeep On

For me I was facing this because of one polling method I used which was calling my server in few seconds to fetch something. What I did was disable that code when running in test mode


AndThen() basically waits for all your promises to resolved before it executes.