embend a RInside c++ application under linux

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I developed an application whose main graphical outputs relie on R through the very useful RInside. I would like to "deploy" my application under linux systems without having to systematically install R and the needed packages. For that purpose I simply copied all the R directory /usr/lib/R, all the needed .so library and set R_HOME variables to the correct path. However, I get when executing:

Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘Rcpp’
Execution halted

While RInside is in the directory $R_HOME/site-library/RInside. I guess that I have more to do (and that my approach was quite naive). Does anyone already tries such a task and can help on what to do ?


There are 1 answers

Dirk is no longer here On

Yes you need to install the other dependencies as well -- and Rcpp is needed to convert data seamlessly between R and C++.