Embedded qtip2 Modal in Fullcalendar + Google Calendar

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I am using FullCalendar 2.3.1, qtip2.2.1 and multiple Google Calendar feeds.

So I finally got my qtips to work in my Fullcalendar (yay!), but now I'd like to see about getting a modal qtip to appear when an event is clicked on ( eventClick ).

Currently I have eventClick set to:

// opens events in a popup window
eventClick: function(event) {
                window.open(event.url, 'gcalevent', 'width=600,height=400,top=200,left=200');
                return false;               

I'd like to get a modal to appear instead, with the event.url portion embedded within in. qtip2 has modal functionality, and I got that included when I downloaded qtip2, but I just can't seem to figure out how to get the modal part functioning with a page embedded in it. And all the other resources online seem to be specifically with Bootstrap, not qtip2. Or some other plugin.

I know part of it is using qtip's show: modal: on: true and using an iframe. It's just the proper sequence I can't seem to get.

This is the coding I have for my general qtips, so I wasn't sure if there was a way I could modify it to function on eventClick instead, and again, with the embedded page for event.url

eventRender: function(event, element, view) {
if (view.name !== "agendaDay"){
                    content: {
                        title: 'Click the event to open it in  <br/>Google Calendar',
                        text: '<b>Title: </b>' + event.title +
                        '<br/><br/><b>Location: </b>' + event.location +
                        '<br/><br/><b>Details: </b>' + event.description
                style: {
                    widget: true, // Use the jQuery UI widget classes
                    def: false, // Remove the default styling
                    classes: 'qtip-rounded qtip-shadow'
                position: {
                    my: 'bottom center',
                    at: 'top center'
                show: {
                    event: 'mouseenter'
                hide: {
                    event: 'mouseleave',
                    leave: false

Many, many, many thanks in advance! I've spent so much time digging in StackOverflow and it's come to just having to ask. I'm feeling rather foolish and really do appreciate all help.


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