embed images as base64 instead of outputing to folder

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When converting from docx to html you may specify the output path for any images

org.docx4j.Docx4J.toHTML(wordMLPackage, imageDirPath, imageTargetUri, fos2);

and the resulting html document references images via files:

<img height="22" id="rId7" src="..cc6bcedf-2770-45ad-8e81-610bbd8746ceimage1.png" width="42">

Instead I would like the converter to embed the files as base64. Is this possible?


There are 2 answers


You do not need a custom ConversionImageHandler to achieve this. You can simply set imageDirPath to an empty string and the images will be embedded

org.docx4j.Docx4J.toHTML(wordMLPackage, "", "", fos2);

This occurs because org.docx4j.model.images.AbstractConversionImageHandler (from which HTMLConversionImageHandler derives) already handles this case for you .

JasonPlutext On

You can write your own ConversionImageHandler implementation to do that.

The default implementation HTMLConversionImageHandler writes images to files.

To use your image handler, specify it via htmlSettings.setImageHandler