Emacs projectile with multiple repos (git/svn etc.) in one project

2.3k views Asked by At

I have a single git repo with a directory structure that looks like this:

root ---------- src
        |------ 3rd

root is my working directory, 3rd consists of multiple third-party git submodules.
projectile-find-file only finds files in src, it does not work for the submodules.


There are 3 answers


projectile-git-command uses git ls-files to list the files belonging to the project,
so I resolved the problem with the following code:

(setq projectile-git-command "git-ls-all-files")

git-ls-all-files is a shell script:

files=`git ls-files -co --exclude-standard`
sb_files=`git --no-pager submodule --quiet foreach 'git ls-files --full-name -co --exclude-standard | sed s!^!$path/!'`

echo $all_files
Mike H-R On

I just had an equivalent problem, I fixed it by adding an empty .projectile file to my root directory, this tells projectile that that directory is the real project root and to search all the files in it's subdirectories when you want to find something.

See here for more info.

Trung Ta On

In addition to the solution of Mike, I add a .projectile file to each submodule and this submodule will become a new project in Emacs.