Emacs change list auto indenting

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I love Emacs' auto indentation, however I have one issue with it (in every major mode I've tried) and that is auto indenting lists.

This is how all major modes I've used so far indent lists:

pseudo code:

variableFoo = [

However, this is what I actually want:

variableFoo = [

So instead of having the values 1 space farther than the opening bracket, I want them to be 4 spaces farther than the variable definition. Or it can be seen as since it's 1 level deeper (in a list) and should have 1 indentation of 4 spaces. Lastly the closing bracket should be on the same column as the variable definition.

I would assume that the indentation is defined inside the major mode (be it Ruby, Haskell, Erlang, C, etc) But maybe there's a way to adjust the auto indentation that it would work this way by default?

Thanks in advance


So I've found the solution for Ruby which is simply adding:

(setq ruby-deep-indent-paren nil)

To your emacs file. However this only works for Ruby and doesn't solve the problem for Haskell / Erlang / Elixir


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