Emacs and Helm - How to not show 'buffer-history' when i do 'kill-buffer'

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I use helm, and every time I do C-x k (kill-buffer) it shows my "kill-buffer History" at the top.


Is there a way to just show just the "kill-buffer" section? I don't use "kill-buffer History" at all. Also, Emacs froze a couple of times when I tried to kill a buffer! So I don't want that section any more :-)

Configuration-wise, I just have:

(helm-mode 1) 

Nothing else.

Thank you very much!


There are 1 answers

Mohanraj On

Use projectile package which provides various to list buffers which should be based on a)major-mode, b)derived mode, c)only project files, d) only test files. etc...

If you want to use please try emacs prelude(better preconfigured) https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude.