I am trying to run ELKI for Outlier Detection using ABOD method. I see the various visualizations as result, but not the outlier scores or rankings. What should I do to say get top 10 outliers using ELKI?
ELKI tool - outlier detection results for ABOD
700 views Asked by user3065574 At
will write the outliers to a file in decreasing outlierness (if the method is implemented with the appropriate metadata to allow correct sorting).As for ABOD, please not that the implementation you are using (ELKI 0.6.0~beta2 and before) is actually FastABOD, unless you set
to the data set size. The 0.6.0 release will have separate classes for ABOD, FastABOD and LB-ABOD. But since ABOD scalesO(n^3)
it will be only usable for small data sets!