I did a fresh install of Elixir/Erlang on a current Ubuntu flavor (pop_os!).
I hopped into iex, and tried the following code with responses:
iex(1)> Enum.map([2, 3, 4], fn x -> x * 10 end)
[20, 30, 40]
iex(2)> Enum.map([4, 6, 8], fn x -> x * 10 end)
Obviously '(<P'
is not an array of 3 numbers.
At first, I figured it was a bad install of Elixir/Erlang, so I uninstalled, changed repositories, and tried again, and got the same response. (One was 1.15, the second 1.12).
Does anyone recognize this isue and know its cause?
Update: I was going nuts trying to find a solution, but it looks like this is a language bug of some kind? Giving up on my environment, setup, and iex, I tried instead going to:
And ran the code:
a = Enum.map([2, 3, 4], fn x -> x * 10 end)
b = Enum.map([4, 6, 8], fn x -> x * 10 end)
IO.puts "Program Start"
IO.inspect a
IO.inspect b
IO.puts "Program End"
which gave the response
Program Start
[20, 30, 40]
Program End
This makes me suspect it's either there's a problem with my the formatting of my Enum.map calls that I'm missing, or there's a bug in Elixir.